
How To Manage Chronic Pain At Work

When you spend a lot of time sitting at work, you know that it is just a matter of time to start suffering from chronic pain. So, how can you manage chronic pain at work?


According to a UK study, within 2016 and 2017, 8.9 million working days were simply lost because of musculoskeletal disorders. According to this same study, while about 45% of these absences were due to the neck and upper limb, 38% were due to pain or injury in the back.

Discover how to choose the best office chair for you.

The truth is that the number of people suffering from chronic back pain is increasing year after year. However, while this is in part due to the inadequate workstations and poor posture, the reality is that in order to manage chronic pain at work, you need to make small changes to your habits. So, let’s discover some of the best ways that you have to better manage chronic pain at work.

#1: Decrease Your Stress Levels:


One of the main factors that tend to contribute to chronic pain at work is stress and anxiety. While you already know that both stress and anxiety can affect your overall health, many people don’t understand how this can affect chronic pain at work.

So, the next time you are under pressure at work, just take a couple of minutes for yourself. Check how your muscles are so tense leading to a poor posture. This is the time that you have to put yourself together and manage chronic pain at work.

Take a look at the best reclining office chairs.

#2: Change Your Workstation:

You already know that one of the things that you need to do in order to manage chronic pain at work is to ensure that your workstation has a good ergonomic chair. However, just having a comfortable and supportive ergonomic office chair isn’t enough. You need to ensure that you make all the necessary adjustments so that it works well for you, for your body, for your tasks, for your needs.

You should also take the time to position your screen the right way. You should make sure that it is at your eye level and that it is an arm’s length away.

These are the best office chairs with neck support.

#3: Make Sure To Exercise Regularly:


Well, yes, we know that you don’t have a lot of time to go to the gym or to head to the swimming pool. However, you can park your car far away from the office, you may start using the stairs instead of taking the elevator, and yes, you can walk your dog. All these little exercises can truly help you to maintain more active and not to spend so much time sitting. After all, you already have the office to do that.

#4: Take Responsibility On Your Own Actions:


In order to manage chronic pain at work, you need to start by taking responsibility for your own actions. The truth is that your office chair may not be that good. However, there are ways to make it better. In case you miss the comfort, use a seat pillow; in case you miss the support for your lower back or lumbar areas, use a lumbar cushion or just a towel.

Check out how to choose the best lumbar roll for you.

Besides, exercising is important not only to manage chronic pain at work but also to your overall health in general. So, it’s up to you to start and make the most out of it.

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