No matter if this is your first pregnancy or not, you may want to continue working up until almost the last day. However, in that case, you want to be sure that you are sitting in a

The truth is that most pregnant women often find themselves with a lot of questions. After all, they want to ensure that they’re not doing anything that can hurt their baby. So, today, we decided to answer some of these questions.
Sitting Comfortably While Pregnant
When you are pregnant, especially when you are about to deliver your baby, it may be hard to find the best position to sit comfortably. However, besides the position itself, you should also make sure that you are sitting in a good office chair.

Discover the best office chairs for pregnancy.
The truth is that there are many different types of office chairs for pregnancy as we are about to see. However, before getting into the different types of office chairs for pregnancy that you can use, you need to know that there are some tips that can help you be more comfortable while sitting:
- You should use a lumbar cushion that helps you get more support
- You should make sure that your butts rest against the chair back
- Just like when you’re not pregnant, you should make sure that your chair seat is at the right height in terms of remaining with your feet flat on the ground as well as to have your computer monitor at your eye level.
- You should consider some slight slouching so that you can increase the angle between your back and your thighs.
- You should take regular breaks with no more than 1-hour difference.
- You shouldn’t cross your legs while you are sitting since this can lead to varicose veins and birth complications.
The Different Types Of Office Chairs For Pregnancy
Besides the traditional office chairs that you can use to sit during your pregnancy, there are other types of office chairs for pregnancy that you can pick as well:
Don’t know which pregnancy office chair to choose?
#1: Kneeling Chairs:

While kneeling chairs won’t seem good for pregnant women, the truth is that some researchers recommend rocking kneelers for the last few weeks of pregnancy. Besides, as you sit on a kneeling chair, you won’t be putting so much pressure on your womb and, at the same time, you will be opening the angle between your trunk and your thighs.
As your gynecologist probably already told you, you shouldn’t cross your legs during pregnancy. So, if you have a natural tendency to do it, sitting on a kneeling chair will prevent you from putting your baby at risk.
Take a look at the best office chairs for pregnancy.
#2: Exercise Balls:

There are many offices who already adopted exercise balls so their employers can sit. If your office is one of them, you can go ahead and use it. The truth is that besides the fact that they are ergonomic, they will allow you to exercise a bit at work which can be good for you and your baby.