The truth is that many people suffer from sciatica. And if you are a desk worker, then you probably suffer from it as well.
What Is Sciatica?

As you probably already know, your back is supported by your spine and your spine is made of vertebrae which are bones. These vertebrae are also separated by disks that can be worn out. And when this happens, the soft centers begin pushing out through tears or ruptures in their rubbery and harder edges. So, as you can easily imagine, this will put a lot of pressure on the nerves that you have around your disks as well as in the nerve. And this is exactly what sciatica is. Ultimately, the sciatica pain that you are probably experiencing comes from the irritated sciatica nerve.
And to make things even worse, this is the longest nerve in the human body. Just to give you an idea, it connects your feet, legs, hips, and lower back.
Looking for a good office chair?
So, when you suffer from sciatica, you tend to feel pain on your lower spine which is also known as the lumbar area. So, you may experience a tingling sensation, weakness, numbness, severe sciatica nerve pain, a burning sensation or a mild ache.
While most people who suffer from sciatica tend to be elderly and/or overweight, the truth is that you are more prone to it if you need to sit for prolonged periods of time. The truth is that when you need to sit for long periods of time, you are making a lot of pressure on your spinal disks which may lead to nerve problems.
Check out the best office chairs for sciatica.
What Can Help Sciatica?

According to most specialists and doctors in the area, when you suffer from sciatica, you should exercise frequently. In addition, you should also use hot and cold compresses and, as a last resource, you can take some pain relievers.
To ensure that you decrease the risk of suffering from sciatica, some of the things you can do include managing your weight, improving your posture, and avoiding sitting for long periods of time.
While the first two depend mostly on yourself, if you are a desk worker, you have no option than to sit the entire day. So, this makes is extremely important to ensure that you sit with a good posture and that you sit in an office chair that delivers the right lumbar support.
How To Sit Comfortably With Sciatica

#1: Sit Straight:
To ensure that you reduce the pressure on your spine and disks, then you need to make sure that you sit as straight as you can. Your back and buttocks should touch the back of your chair.
#2: Take Frequent Breaks:
Even if you are sitting on a good office chair for sciatica, you need to make sure that you take frequent breaks to avoid too much pressure. A simple walk around the office may be enough if you do it frequently throughout the day.
#3: Use A Good Office Chair For Sciatica:
In case you don’t know, there are some office chairs that are specially designed for people who suffer from sciatica. Here are some examples. However, you need to make sure that you adjust it to fit your body.
#4: Look At Your Knees:

One of the things that many people tend to overlook is their knees’ position. However, when you suffer from sciatica, you just can’t forget about it.
The truth is that while for some people it is better to keep their knees even with their hips, others prefer to elevate them. So, ultimately, you just need to find out what works for you.