If you are an office worker, you need to spend a lot of time sitting. The truth is that while you may already know that you really need a good office chair, your boss may not be yet convinced or he won’t simply replace your current one.
Discover the best office chairs in 2020.

No matter what, there are things you can do to help you sit at your desk correctly.
How To Sit At Your Desk Correctly
#1: Support Your Back:
In case your office chair doesn’t deliver good support for your back, you can still sit at your desk correctly. You should also ensure that your office chair is set at the right height so your feet can be flat on the ground. In case you’re a petite person, you can always use a footrest.
#2: Avoid Repetitive Strain Injuries:

When you need to type a lot on your computer, you know how your wrists can suffer. So, to prevent this from happening, you should try to adjust your chair height so you can use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor. In addition, your elbows should be by the side of your body so your arm forms an L-shape at the elbow joint.
Learn more about how to transform an uncomfortable office chair more bearable.
#3: Place Your Monitor At Eye Level:
In what concerns your monitor, you should place it directly in front of you. Besides, you should also place it about an arm’s length away and the top of the screen should be roughly at eye level.
In case you need, you can always elevate your monitor. You can add some folders or books under it so you can place it in the right position.
Discover how to pick a good ergonomic office chair.
#4: The Keyboard:

The location of your keyboard is also important. Whenever you are typing, you want to ensure that you have it placed in front of you.
You should also consider leaving a gap of about 4 to 6 inches at the front of the desk to rest your wrists. In addition, you should also make sure that your arms are bent in an L-shape and your elbows by the sides.
#5: Keep Your Mouse Close:
In what concerns your mouse, you should also put it close to you. In case you use it a lot, you may consider adding a mouse mat with a wrist pad to your desk since it may help keep your wrist straight and avoid awkward bending.
#6: Avoid Screen Reflection:

If you work near a window, then you may have already noticed a screen reflection. So, you need to get rid of that glare. Besides, you can always adjust your screen’s brightness or contrast that can make it much easier to use.
Discover how to choose the best lumbar support pillow.
#7: Avoid Bifocals:
When you need to work a lot on the computer and you wear bifocals, you may want to consider disposing of them. The truth is that you should be able to see the screen easily without having to raise or lower your head.
If you cannot work comfortably with bifocals, you may need a different type of spectacle. Consult your optician if in doubt.