There’s no way to avoid it: maintaining a good posture is good for your overall health and makes you feel better at the same time.
No matter if you spend a lot of time sitting or standing, you know that you are more prone to pain when you don’t try to maintain a good posture. While we understand that this is easier to say than done, we also know that it is incredibly important.
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Ultimately, posture is how human’s support themselves. And the reality is that there are several types of postures: good posture or neutral posture, bad posture which would be awkward or non-neutral or static, sustained; staying in a position for too long. Anatomical posture- the inherent design of the axial skeleton or head and spine as it changes through life.
One of the things that you may not know is that posture doesn’t just pertain to the spine, but it also pertains to the extremities or the appendicular skeleton. So, your wrists have a posture, your shoulders, arms, legs, hips, etc. Besides, and while you may not realize it, we all have “working postures” while we perform tasks or activities at work or home.
Posture is based on vision and reach. Where your eyes need to see a visual target, or see what your hands are doing, like typing on a keyboard or looking at a monitor. So, if the monitor or visual target is not centered, it will alter your posture. Because your head follows your eyes and your body follows your head. It’s like a chain reaction.
Take a look at the ultimate office chair guide.
How Can You Improve Your Posture?

When you are trying to improve your posture, you need to really look into the way you stand, sit, and even sleep. The truth is that a lot of people have very poor body awareness. For example, is your head in line with your shoulders or forward of your shoulders; is one shoulder higher than the other or both pressed upwards. Are you slouching or sitting forward of the chair backrest? Where are your legs, hips and buttocks? Are your feet on the floor?
Check out these tips for improving posture and ergonomics.
As soon as you see yourself as you stand, sit, and sleep, you can then try to correct awkward or non-neutral postures. However, this may be a bit complex since it depends on whether it is a functional and dynamic posture or a stationary posture. Sitting in a chair is a stationary posture, while lifting a box or moving a cart is a dynamic, functional posture, where there is movement.

People typically have poor postural habits. So, they move in the same way all the time, like bending the back instead of at the hips and knees, leaning to one side while sitting or over-reaching for things on a shelf.
Learn how to sit with a good posture.
Does Posture Make Perfect?
Simply put, yes. The best advice we can give you is to no matter what you are doing or whether you are standing, sitting, walking, or sleeping, you need to be mindful of your posture.
The reality is that it is easy to experience postural strain from over-reaching, or bending awkwardly or sitting unsupported for an extended period of time.
Besides, being aware of workstation ergonomics, placement of equipment is important as it predicates posture.