When you need to sit for prolonged hours at work, you know that it is probably time to look for alternatives for active sitting at the office. The reality is that sitting for too many hours isn’t good for your body and overall health. And even if you tend to take frequent breaks at work, you can’t always be doing it. So, you should consider other alternatives for active sitting at the office.

Discover the best office chairs in 2020.
In most offices around the world, we still see most office workers sitting in traditional office chairs. And while some o the are already ergonomic, others aren’t and this is putting your health in danger. Besides, you need to know that there are other options.
5 Options For Active Sitting At The Office
#1: Bar Or Counter Stool:

When you are looking for active sitting at the office, then you can try out a bar or counter stool. Besides, you will probably be surprised to know that stools take many forms and can sit any number of aesthetics. Since you can easily adjust the stool’s height, this means that it can be used at the workstation. Besides, these are also a good option for hoteling stations and public areas.
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#2: Drafting Stool:
A drafting stool is another great option when you are trying to improve your active sitting at the office. After all, these drafting stools are adjustable in height. This means that they can accommodate individuals of different statures as well as various working positions including sitting and perching.
#3: Perch:

In case you don’t know, perching is a position between sitting and standing height that involves resting on a minimal, slightly angled seat. Unlike standing, this posture takes the weight off of your feet while maintaining more muscle engagement through the thighs and core.
A perch typically has a rounded seat front, slight forward lean, and an adjustable, intermediate height which encourages a greater angle (around 130 degrees) between the hips and torso.
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#4: Saddle Seat:
A saddle seat is based on a horseback rider’s position in a saddle. The main idea behind this design is that the shape of the seat allows your thighs to drop, opening the torso-hip angle beyond 90 degrees which promotes the spine’s natural S-shaped curve (similar to a perch). This design also enables forward and backward movement in the seat, and can be sat on creatively in forwards, backward or sideways positions.
Saddle seats can take the form of basic, backless stools to adjustable task seats complete with chair backs headrests. At a minimum, they often have casters and basic vertical adjustment.
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#5: Kneeling Seat:

The kneeling seat was first designed by the Norwegian designer Peter Opsvik in 1979. It too is focused on opening the hip-torso angle while also engaging the core and back muscles. A gentle rocking motion grants greater forward reach and promotes active rather than passive sitting. Also available with a backrest.