As a desk worker, you want to ensure that you sit in a good office chair that delivers a good amount of comfort and support. However, and while you would love to buy a Herman Miller office chair, you just can’t afford it. And the truth is that you’re not alone.

The reality is that when you see lists of the best office chairs, these only tend to include very expensive chairs. So, you may be wondering if you don’t have any cheaper options. And the good news is that you do. There are good office chairs at all price levels. So, even with a low budget, you can definitely buy a better office chair than the one that you are using at the moment. But you need to be extra careful with your choice. After all, you will have to be pickier in terms of the features that are included in these affordable office chairs to get a high-quality office chair.
5 Features You Should Look For In Affordable Office Chairs
As we just mentioned above, the good news about office chairs is that you can find them at all price levels. And while the most expensive ones tend to include more features and adjustments, affordable office chairs also come with the necessary adjustments that you need to spend the entire day sitting at work.
#1: Ergonomic Office Chair:
This is key. You need to find affordable office chairs that are ergonomic. And the reason is that these chairs will feature the human body curvature which means that you will b able to take advantage of more comfort and better support. So, ergonomics is absolutely crucial.
#2: Waterfall Seat Edge:

One of the best features that you can find in affordable office chairs is a waterfall seat edge. This type of sat allows you to be more comfortable as well as your legs won’t be so fatigued at the end of the day. And this occurs because this type of seat improves blood circulation and flow. In addition, you may also notice that you don’t feel as much pain in your lower back area.
Take a look at affordable office chairs that come with a waterfall seat edge.
#3: Rock:
While not all affordable office chairs allow you to adjust the back reclining angle as much as you would want to, it is always good to know that you can rock the chair back and forth. Even if you don’t have the habit of doing so, when you rock the chair, you are exercising and moving while sitting. So, this is a great feature.
#4: Wheels:

A good office chair needs to come with wheels. Even if you think that you don’t need wheels for anything since you don’t even like to move while sitting, the wheels also allow you a certain degree of movement even when you’re not aware of it.
Discover the best office chairs under $200 online.
#5: 360 Degrees Swivel:

When you spend a lot of time on your desk, then you should perform a wide range of tasks. So, picking an affordable office chair that allows you to swivel is great since this means you won’t need to do so much effort during work.