When you tend to spend a lot of time typing on your computer during the day, it is normal that you tend to feel some extra pressure on your neck. Even though you probably already read or heard that maintaining a good posture is the best way to prevent it, the truth is that this is not always easy to achieve. So, you need to find a good office chair for neck pain that allows you not only to decrease neck pain as well as to prevent it.
Discover the best ergonomic office chairs in 2020.

The truth is that there are many different office chairs for neck pain available on the market. Searching for the best one can truly be overwhelming. So, we decided to share with you the most important thing you should consider when you are buying a new office chair for neck pain.
4 Important Things to Look For In An Office Chair For Neck Pain
#1: Head And Neck Support:

Obviously, your new office chair for neck pain should feature good head and neck support. The good news is that you can find this in almost all ergonomic office chairs.
There are mainly two different types of head and neck supports. The first one includes a fixed headrest and you can find this among most executive office chairs. As long as it is at the right height, you’ll experience great comfort.
The second type of neck support comes with an adjustable headrest that is shaped and curved to conform to the user’s cervical spine. As you can imagine, this is a better option but it is also more expensive.
These are the best office chairs with neck support.
#2: Lumbar Support:

While the lumbar support of an office chair delivers comfort on the lower part of your back, this also influences your neck pain. Ultimately, the lumbar support should adapt to the lower part of your spine naturally and it serves to close the gap between the backrest and the spine to prevent slouching.
Simply put, an office chair with a good lumbar support should help you improve your overall sitting posture which can relieve some of your neck pain as well as back and shoulder pain.
There are 3 main types of lumbar supports:
- Fixed Lumbar Support: This is usually found on the most affordable office chairs and it can’t be adjusted.
- Adjustable Lumbar Support: As you can say by its name, you can adjust this lumbar support manually in terms of height, depth, and firmness.
- Dynamic Lumbar Support: This is the kind of lumbar support that automatically adjusts to your body as you seat and move throughout the day. As you can easily understand, this is the best option but also the most expensive one.
Check out these 4 ergonomic tips while working from home.
#3: Adjustable Armrests:

While you may have never realized it, the truth is that the armrests of your office chair may help you prevent neck pain as well. The truth is that the lack of arm support or poorly placed arms while working can lead to shoulder pain, which can then travel to the neck.
When sitting at your desk, you should aim to maintain your forearms parallel to the desk surface, with the elbows assuming a 90 – 100 degree open-angle. At this position, your arms and shoulders are most relaxed.
This is the best way to sit at your desk.
#4: Robust Seat Height:
When you are looking for the best office chair for neck pain, you should also make sure that it comes with a robust seat height control.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a seat height adjustment range of 15 to 22” works for most people. The reason for this as it relates to neck pain is the same as armrest height adjustment.